Gratitude: The One Tool That Can Change Your Life Today

Ever find yourself in a rut? 


Down in the dumps.

Playing the comparison game. 

Or maybe you never feel happy with the way things are going in your life and complaints roll off your tongue left and right.

Did you know that what we focus on, we see more of? Ever hear the phrase, where attention goes, energy flows? More and more, I am finding this to be true.

One of the most powerful and overlooked tools we have is gratitude.  Cultivating a habit of gratitude is free and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. However, you will find it most certainly has huge benefits.

So what are the benefits of forming an “attitude of gratitude? An article written on says research reveals that gratitude can:

•open the door to more relationships.

•improve physical and psychological health.

•enhance empathy and reduces aggression. 

•help you sleep better.

•improve self esteem.

•increase mental strength.

How can you start a practice of gratitude?

Starting this life-changing practice can be as easy as taking two minutes first thing in the morning to mentally list what you are grateful for. 

Or you can grab a journal dedicated specifically for this practice. Make it a habit to jot down five things you are grateful for before you do anything else in your day.  

This is what I do and I use this journal to list what I am grateful for, first thing in the morning. (affiliate link)

If you find it hard to remember this new habit, try setting some reminders on your phone. There are also many gratitude journal apps out there. Find one that suits you and you can record your gratitude on the go!

“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

̴Lao Tzu ̴

One last tip- give it time. If you haven’t been practicing gratitude, it may take a bit for you to undo a previous mindset. I know that has been the case for me. 

The more I put gratitude in to practice, the more I see God’s gifts all around me and the more content I become. I hope you do too!

If you are ready to start the practice of gratitude, grab my free journal prompts below. 

If you really want to take it up a notch, join my free 3 DAY GRATITUDE CHALLENGE starting September 14th. Request access to my free FB group Health + Home right here.


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