The Abundance Challenge!
Abundance: a very large quantity of something.

Have you found you lack an abundance mentality in the last year. It's easy to feel that way with all that has been happening in the world!

If you feel like you're lacking in a few areas of your life like confidence, health, relationships, and finances, then this challenge is for you!

Starting January 11th I'll be starting an email series where I will challenge you to get intentional and use your Abundance essential oil every single day to bring more abundance into your life.

We will be focusing on four specific categories throughout the month:

Week 1: Confidence & Mindfulness
Week 2: Health
Week 3: Relationships
Week 4: Finances (Career/Life Purpose)

If you want more abundance in these areas in your life, participate every day! Sign up to receive the emails here.

Invite all of your friends to join in on the fun! This challenge is open to anyone. Simply forward this blog post on to them.

**** You will need a bottle (or a roll-on) of Abundance essential oil to effectively participate in this Challenge. *****

If you are not a Young Living member, I can help you become one so you can get your bottle of Abundance. If you are close by, I can get you a sample while you wait for your bottle to come. Just hit reply and let me know!

If you are ready to say yes to abundance, sign up for the challenge by hitting the button and signing up for the emails!  STARTS JANUARY 11TH!


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